Have you ever wondered why some people become great artists? Do you believe all people have the potential to do art, or are some doomed forever? Well, the responses to these questions are as divergent and controversial as the questions themselves.
The debate on nature versus nurture continues to elicit sharp reactions across fields, including but not limited to art. While proponents of the nurture concept argue that anybody can become an artist, antagonists believe that artistry hinges purely on natural talent. This article elucidates on both aspects of the debate, highlighting the instrumental nature of effort, determination and practice in artistry. Ideally, anyone can do art, irrespective of whether you have a natural talent or not!
What remains unanswered is whether you can achieve artistic success devoid of natural talent. Do you believe you or your friends who lack natural talent can never become great artists or can they make it with learning and practice?
At the outset, it is inaccurate to claim that you must have in-born talent to do art or make a good artist. Indeed, people perceive the world from different lenses and can therefore express themselves uniquely and divergently. As an individual, you have a unique way of focusing and expressing yourself. Thus, you have a unique and meaningful pathway of becoming an artist of your own.
Whether you draw, paint, or write a journal, you are an artist in your own way and do not need a specific talent to succeed in your artistry. Although you may be successful in art because of your natural talent, you don’t necessarily need one to prosper. With enough and consistent practice, you can learn artistry such as writing or drawing and become an expert. Ideally, some of the most famous artists practised regularly to become great and never relied entirely on their talents.
However, while everyone has the potential to engage in some form of artistic expression, there is a wide variance in the level of skill and talent. Well, to be considered talented in art, you must exhibit a broad array of attributes. For instance, you must have a natural inclination towards art; you must be dedicated to and passionate about the practice; you must be exposed to artistry; and you must be willing to sharpen your skills through learning and improvement.
Studies show that talent grants individuals an ultimate start in their artistry and such people can highly prosper in their line of art. Notably, individuals with natural inclination towards a given art easily learn and grasp relevant concepts and techniques.
Proponents of this argument believe that there is an innate aspect of artistic talent in successful artistry. According to them, individuals with natural talent are predisposed to creativity and artistic expression at birth. This theory suggests that certain individuals have an edge in artistry because of their natural inclination, while acknowledging the importance of learning and practice.
However, artistic doesn’t entirely depend on talent alone. Ideally, you must explore more avenues beyond the confines of talent to become proficient in a specific art. Effort, passion, and practice are key tenets to achieving artistic mastery. .
Just like other mediums, art has an element of skill and requires practice. If you fail to learn and practice, you will obviously lack the requisite skill to become a great artist. Actually, it is not rocket science to acknowledge that lack of education or practice in a given art will limit your artistic skills.
Art is diverse and encompasses a broad spectrum of mediums, including writing, drawing, painting, dancing, sculpture, and music. These mediums also vary in their level of technical skills. However, you can gain a unique level of proficiency in your artistry depending on effort, practice, and natural inclination. Interestingly, your joy of art may surpass the desire to achieve optimum level of expertise or attain a given technical skill.
As an aspiring artist, an individual doesn’t necessarily depend on natural talent to achieve success. Experimentation is critical in acquiring the relevant artistic skills and expertise. Indeed, you need to explore multiple avenues, styles, and mediums to actually discover what resonates with your passion and artistic strength.
Also, you can achieve artistic growth without natural talent, particularly based on passion and patience. If you are genuinely and passionately in love with art, your ability to learn from previous setbacks is a critical tenet to achieving artistic success. Besides, you can become a great artist by practising patience while exploring and engaging in any form of art.
Just like any other medium, you must embrace constructive feedback from mentors or experienced artists to become a great artist. The input from such artists will help you identify inadequacies in your practice and improve enormously.
Artistry is a therapeutic and fulfilling activity, whether you are an accomplished or aspiring artist. So, everyone is capable of expressing themselves artistically without considering their natural talent. You can certainly become a great artist and enjoy the benefits attributed to artistry in your unique way, with or without natural talent. Art is a processthat requires you to regularly and consistently engage in artistic activities to achieve personal growth and enjoyment. Studies show that art is not only fulfilling but also meditative and therapeutic, irrespective of the final outcome.
In a nutshell, you require both talent and skill to gain mastery in art. Talent implies a natural predisposition or aptitude for something while skill involves an acquired training through education, particularly empowering an individual to perform a task. While some people may have the natural ability to create moving and beautiful art, others acquire such ability through study and practice. Great artists have often utilized a combination of talent and skills to accomplish their art. Having a natural knack for arts is one thing but achieving great work of art hinges on your level of skill in artistry.
While natural talent is crucial in artistry, it is not mandatory to achieve artistic success. Great artists have often mixed natural talent and skill to gain artistic mastery. So, natural talent is required in artistry but you can become a great artist without it, particularly based on passion, practice, and determination. Learn more about art by subscribing to my newsletter.
Confidence is the most needed skill
Very insightful and helpful!